Failing heartbeat datastores
What do humans usually do if they find an irregular or missing heartbeat? They consult with the doctor to cure it. When a vSphere cluster misses a heartbeat, you are required to troubleshoot it before it leads to the disaster of a failing cluster.
A vSphere host's HA management traffic is usually separated from other networks by using a dedicated management network. In a vSphere cluster, the master vSphere host uses the management network to interconnect with a slave vSphere host. The datastore heartbeat is used when a slave vSphere host fails to respond to the calls of its master host. The master host tries to establish communication using a datastore network partition and tries to find the slave host's heart beating in it. When a master vSphere host is unable to find the slave host's heart beating, it declares it to be in a failed state. Then, the master vSphere host tries to find other available slave host that can host the virtual machines of the failed slave...