Adding Animations and Facial Expressions to Your MetaHuman Characters
Having learned about the bone mapping (chain mapping) method through Unreal Engine’s IK Retargeter in the preceding chapter, you effectively retargeted and examined a Mixamo mocap file for both the Unreal Engine Mannequin and your own MetaHuman character.
In this chapter, we will apply this acquired expertise and the established IK Rig to orchestrate the movements of the MetaHuman personas, Adam and Eve. Their actions will align with the storyboard formulated in Chapter 3.
Our primary objective will involve animating the MetaHumans through the utilization of pre-made mocap files. Additionally, we intend to incorporate personalized animations using Unreal Engine’s Forward Kinematics (FK) Control Rig. Regarding facial animation, while our narrative doesn’t require character dialogue, there’s still a necessity to convey emotions through facial expressions. We will accomplish this by...