Build for Google Cardboard
Read this section if you are targeting Google Cardboard on Android and/or iOS.
A good starting point is the Google Cardboard for Unity, Get Started guide (for more information, visit
The Android setup
If you've never built for Android, you'll first need to download and install the Android SDK. Take a look at Unity manual for Android SDK Setup ( You'll need to install the Android Developer Studio (or at least, the smaller SDK Tools) and other related tools, such as Java (JVM) and the USB drivers.
It might be a good idea to first build, install, and run another Unity project without the Cardboard SDK to ensure that you have all the pieces in place. (A scene with just a cube would be fine.) Make sure that you know how to install and run it on your Android phone.
The iOS setup
A good starting point is Unity manual, Getting Started with iOS Development...