Implementing the ItemManager class
The to-do app will show all the to-do items in a list. The list of items will be managed by a class called ItemManager
. It will expose an interface to get, add, and remove items.
Open Project Navigator and select the ToDoTests
group. Go to iOS | Source | Unit Test Case Class to create a test case class with the name, ItemManagerTests
, and put it in the Model
folder. Import the ToDo
module (@testable import ToDo
) and remove the two test method templates.
The requirements from Chapter 2, Planning and Structuring Your Test-Driven iOS App, ask for a list with unchecked to-do items at the top and checked to-do items at the bottom of the list in the app. How the items are presented is not a matter of concern with regard to the model. But it has to be possible to get the number of unchecked and checked to-do items from the item manager.
Add the following code to ItemManagerTests
func testToDoCount_Initially_ShouldBeZero() { let sut = ItemManager() }