Step-change to energy resource efficiency
As we highlighted previously, the greenest and cheapest energy is the energy we do not use. The best way to reduce energy consumption is to do much more with less. Reducing energy consumption will save you money and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This section will look at ways to become more energy resource efficient. As we saw in the previous section, an estate of 10,000 computers consumes almost 3,000,000 (kWh) or 3,000 (MWh) per year. With an average price of 0.11 USD per kWh in the commercial sector in the United States (EIA 2022), this annual cost is 330,000 USD. With the recent price fluctuations in energy prices due to the global geopolitical situation, we will most likely see higher energy prices going forward. Hence it makes sense both from a cost and an environmental perspective to become more energy resource efficient. Therefore, choosing equipment that is far more resource-efficient can have a significant impact on your bottom...