This chapter was designed to give you a taste of how easily and quickly you can get great photorealistic results with the SketchUp and Thea Render combination.
In particular, you have learned the basic steps towards modeling a simple indoor studio scene and setting up a daylight environment in SketchUp. You have also used the Thea Render plugin to assign advanced optical properties to SketchUp materials and created a photorealistic rendering without leaving the SketchUp interface.
This is the basic framework for achieving successful renderings of most interior and outdoor scenes. You're now able to immediately apply what you've learned in your own projects. The remaining chapters in this book provide additional information when you want to take your skills a step or two further. You can dip in whenever you need some specific guidance or follow the chapters in a course format.
In the next chapter, you'll find out how to create your own visualization and animation studio setup to create even better architectural visuals!