People cutouts
We're going to learn how to make 2D face-me people that can be used both in photorealist and non-photorealistic rendering. With this method, you can build up a stock of people that you can use, no matter what the required output is. The following are the applications for this type of entourage:
Black and white with sketchy edges
Colored with sketchy edges
Textured within SketchUp
Photoreal rendered
The following pictures of the same man correspond to these four output types. At first, here is a black-and-white sketch. The lines are not too crisp and have a bit of hand-drawn quality:
The next image shows the same jogger in a cartoon-style rendering. The lines in this picture are a bit sharper, but the first impression is created by the colored cloth and body shape:
One further step is shown in the next image where the jogger's cloth and body parts are created with a photographic texture. Note the realism that this further detailing adds to the person:
Finally, you can see a photorealistic...