To illustrate where serverless computing would come into your application, let's take a look at a classic three-tier architecture. In this commonly used approach, the application is broken down into the following tiers:
- Presentation Tier: The presentation tier handles the user interface and typically operates as a thin client on a web or mobile device.
- Logic Tier: The logic tier, also known as application tier, handles the functional process logic and the business rules of the application. This tier can serve one or more presentation tier clients and scale independently.
- Data Tier: The data tier persists the application data in databases or file shares and handles the data access layer.
Any of these tiers can be further expanded and broken into separate services. For a deeper dive into three-tier architecture, please visit the following link:
A basic three-tier architecture can be presented as the diagram below:
With the introduction of serverless computing, all, or parts of your application's logic tier can be replaced by serverless computing containers, or FaaS.
Depending on an application, functions can handle all of the business logic, or work jointly with other types of services to comprise the logic tier.
A basic three-tier architecture with the logic tier fully handled by functions can be presented as the following diagram:
It is crucial to note that not all types of functionality typically handled by the business logic tier are well suited for FaaS. To see which functionality can be replaced by FaaS, let us discuss the inherent features of serverless computing.