Getting started with data structure
Data structure is a critical component in any algorithm. Before we go into details; let's illustrate this with an example; a sorting algorithm for positive integer for a finite length needs to be programmed using user input, and the output is to be displayed in ascending order. The sorting algorithm, which acts as a connector between the user-defined input and user-desired output can be approached in multiple ways:
- Bubble sort and shell sort, which are simple variants of sorting, but are highly inefficient
- Insertion sort and selection sort, primarily used for sorting small datasets
- Merge sort, heap sort, and quick sort, which are efficient ways of sorting based on the complexities involved in an average system runtime
- Distributed sorts such as counting sort, bucket sort, and radix sort, which can handle both runtime and memory usage
Each of these options can, in turn, handle a particular set of instances more effectively. This essentially reduces...