Using Quarto to Make Data-Rich Reports, Presentations, and Websites
Literate computing is the practice of embedding human-readable explanations and annotations within computer code, making it easier for both the author and other developers to understand and reuse the code. The main goal of literate computing is to create readable, reusable code that can be understood not only by machines but by humans as well.
One of the key tools for literate computing is Markdown. Markdown is a simple markup language that allows for the creation of easily readable documents that can be converted to Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and other documents, including Word, for display on varied platforms. Markdown is easy to write and understand, even for non-technical users.
R Markdown, a variant of Markdown with R in mind, provides a simple way to embed R code within a document, alongside narrative text and visualizations, to create a complete report. One of the main advantages of using R Markdown...