ONOS and OpenDaylight are two SDN controllers developed by many enterprises as a collaboration under the Linux Foundation. Developed in Java, both are modular, developed with Apache Karaf OSGi controller.
Developing Software-Defined Networks with ONOS controller
Getting ready
First, you need to download ONOS to your computer:
$ wget https://downloads.onosproject.org/release/onos-1.10.2.zip
You may also download other versions from https://wiki.onosproject.org/display/ONOS/Downloads.
Extract the ZIP into the /opt directory:
$ unzip https://downloads.onosproject.org/release/onos-1.10.2.zip
Rename the extracted folder to onos and go to the onos/bin directory:
$ mv onos-1.10.2 onos $ cd onos/bin
Now, start ONOS: