Inserting tables and graphs created in Word and Excel
If you ever need a table for your prezi, you can begin creating tables by inserting, editing, and combining a number of Prezi lines. And if you need to import numbers and data from your spreadsheet program to show them on an elegant graph or in a diagram more sophisticated than Prezi's multi-frame layouts, fire up your engine and get some of those arrows, lines, and texts going.
However, this sounds time-consuming, doesn't it? Well, that's because it is!
You can create tables or graphs in Prezi from scratch, but if your material is complicated or extensive, you will be better off using a program that is designated for that specific material or task and then importing the result into Prezi.
Using MS Word or another word processor allows handling text and tables in many great ways. Why not benefit from that?
Programs such as MS Excel and other spreadsheet programs are specifically designed to handle data and numbers, which is...