Converting to a document term matrix
Once we have a corpus, we can proceed to convert it to a document term matrix. When building DTM, care must be given to limiting the amount of data and resulting terms that are processed. If not parameterized correctly, it can take a very long time to run. Parameterization is accomplished via the options. We will remove any stopwords, punctuation, and numbers. Additionally, we will only include a minimum word length of four:
library(tm) dtm <- DocumentTermMatrix(corp, control = list(removePunctuation = TRUE, wordLengths = c(4, 999), stopwords = TRUE, removeNumbers = TRUE, stemming = FALSE, bounds = list(global = c(5, Inf))))
We can begin to look at the data by using the inspect()
This is different from the inspect()
function in an arules
package, and if you have the arules
package loaded, you will want to preface this inspect with tm::inspect
inspect(dtm[1:10, 1:10]) > <<DocumentTermMatrix (documents: 10, terms: 10)>> >...