Core DNS services
The DNS protocol is the base of our modern internet. It makes it easy for users to find websites and other services available on the internet without remembering every website’s Internet Protocol (IP) address. To resolve website names to IP addresses, we have two classes of DNS services—servers that host domain entries, and recursive resolvers that translate domain names to IP addresses. OPNsense can become a DNS server and host domain entries. It isn’t recommended to transform a firewall into a DNS server for security best practices, so we’ll explore only the DNS resolver feature in this chapter.
Default DNS resolvers on OPNsense
OPNsense has two DNS resolver services installed by default—Dnsmasq and Unbound. The last one became the default service since the 17.7 OPNsense version. We’ll discuss both services one by one.
As the maintainers define it, "Unbound is a validating, recursive, caching DNS...