In this chapter, we introduced you to the principles of search and investigation within your Microsoft 365 environment. You learned that you need to assign the eDiscovery Manager role to any users who you want to manage eDiscovery cases, and that you can then create eDiscovery cases from the Security and Compliance Center in order to place holds on your Office 365 locations.
Once an eDiscovery case had been created, we showed you how content searches can be associated with your eDiscovery case and applied to the held locations. These content searches can be set up with additional keywords and conditions in order to narrow down your search results.
Finally, we demonstrated that once a search was completed, we are able to preview the search results, as well as export reports to our local computer using the eDiscovery export tool, and then open and analyze the downloaded reports in Excel.
In the next chapter, we will discuss the steps required to plan for data privacy...