Creating player waypoints
The remainder of this chapter focuses on creating the first input type; namely, player movement. The second type is explored in the next chapter. In building movement functionality, we'll bring together many Unity features operating harmoniously - including animation, Mecanim, scripting, and others. We'll start by creating empty objects (empties) in the scene, representing important locations for the camera to stop at on its journey from the beginning of the level to the end. These are locations of attack and ambush; where zombies approach for combat. When a combat sequence is completed (by killing all zombies), the camera is free to move forward at the player's prompting. To create waypoints, create an empty object for each stopping point, then parent all of those to a single object for organization. I have created five stopping points for the first level: A, B, C, D, and E. These empties are primarily for reference and not for scripting purposes; they help us...