Chapter 4. Ninject in Action
This chapter shows how to set up different types of applications using Ninject. We will implement a concrete scenario using a variety of application types to see how to set up and use Ninject for injecting the dependencies. By the end of this chapter, the user will be able to set up and use Ninject for all kinds of described applications.
Topics covered:
Windows Forms applications
WPF and Silverlight applications
ASP.NET MVC applications
WCF applications
ASP.NET Web Forms applications
Although how Ninject helps us inject dependencies into our application components is the same across different types of applications, setting these applications up varies according to their architectures. Some new frameworks such as ASP .NET MVC are intentionally designed to support DI, while some older frameworks such as ASP .NET are not even capable of supporting all DI patterns.
We have already learned most of the features that Ninject offers and this chapter helps us to put them together...