Understanding the BeEF browser
When the BeEF control panel is launched, it will present the Getting Started screen, featuring links to the online site as well as the demonstration pages that can be used to validate the various attacks. The BeEF control panel is shown in Figure 7.40:

Figure 7.40: BeEF browser following successful authentication
If you have hooked a victim, the interface will be divided into two panels:
- On the left-hand side of the panel, we have Hooked Browsers; the tester can see every connected browser listed with information about its host operating system, browser type, IP address, and installed plugins. Because BeEF sets a cookie to identify victims, it can refer to this information and maintain a consistent list of victims.
- The right-hand side of the panel is where all of the actions are initiated, and the results are obtained. In the Commands tab, we see a categorized repository of the different attack vectors that can be used against...