per month
Jan 2023
3hrs 29mins
1st Edition
Learn Linux key concepts and commands starting from scratch
Build a deep understanding of Linux fundamentals and concepts
Gain complete understanding of Linux and fill in any existing knowledge gaps
Linux is the number one operating system in the corporate world. The industry’s most powerful computers are Linux-based. Linux is a popular open-source operating system that’s easy to use and highly secure.
Linux offers low-cost servers that can run almost every major web development language available. With the availability of cloud computing, the Linux market share is skyrocketing.
If you want to start your career in Linux and have little or no knowledge of Linux, then this course will definitely help. In this course, we will start with the history of Linux distributions, and then learn how to download, install, and configure Linux on your systems. Next, we will get introduced to the file system and terminal where you will learn different Linux directory commands.
Later, you will learn how to work with files and directories, how to copy, edit, move, search for a file, and more. Then we will cover system commands such as date, calendar, and sleep, and Utility commands like how to clear, exit or shutdown. After this, we will move to networking where you will learn how to check the IP address and set up a bridged network in VirtualBox. Next, we will cover process and memory. In the last section, you will learn how to create your own Apache server and host a real-time website.
By the end of this course, you will gain Linux system administration skills and become an independent user of the Linux operating system.
All the resources for this course are available at: https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Linux-Operating-System-A-Complete-Linux-Guide-for-Beginners
Anyone interested in learning more about Linux or beginning IT professionals who wish to increase their knowledge of Linux should take this course. This course will also be helpful for those who are considering a career as a Linux system administrator or engineer and need to brush up on the fundamentals.
Get introduced to Linux distributions and understand its history
Learn how to set up the Linux environment
Explore the Linux file system and terminal
Learn how to work with files and directories
Learn different system and utility commands
Learn how to set up Apache server and host a website on Linux server