Time for action – implementing the main pause routine
The game file to import and load for this session is 5961_07_09.stencyl
Click on the Settings button on Stencyl's main toolbar, then click on the Controls icon in the left-hand panel of the Game Settings dialog box.
Scroll to the bottom of the Controls panel and click on the Click here to add a new control box to display a new control as shown in the following screenshot:
Change the Name option of the control from Key 0 to
.Click in the Key box (next to the letter A), and press the P key on the keyboard (it will display onscreen as a capital P).
Click on OK to confirm the changes and close the Game Settings dialog box.
In the Pause Management behavior, add a new keyboard event by clicking on + Add Event | Input | Keyboard, then change the event name to
Pause clicked
.Click on the Control option in the new when Control is pressed block and select Choose Control | pause, then click on OK.
Change the pressed option to released.
The empty...