The first in this set of structures defines who is in the customer party. If the customer is the only room occupant, this structure is not used. Otherwise, when a booking is made, an array of CustParty documents is assembled. In the structure shown here, we are leveraging the lower-level structure known as OtherInfo:
CustParty = {
"name" : <Name>,
"other" : <OtherInfo>
When the booking is made, we need to store information about the customer making the booking. In the CustBooking document structure shown here, you can see that we are leveraging the previously defined Name, Location, and Contact structures. Also, this structure consumes the CustParty structure shown in the preceding code block:
CustBooking = {
"customerKey" : <string>,
"customerName" : <Name>,
"customerAddr" : <Location>,
"customerContact" : <Contact>,