Adding a new drop-down menu on the top navigation bar
In this recipe, we will show how to use the web section and web-item modules quickly to add a new drop-down menu in JIRA's top navigation bar.
How to do it...
Here we need a web item first to be placed in the system's top navigation bar and then have a web section declared under it. The web section can then have a list of web items created under it which will then form the links on the drop-down menu.
Following are the steps to do it:
Create a new web item under the system's top navigation bar:
<web-item key="jtricks-menu" name="JTricks Menu" section="" weight="150"> <description>J Tricks Web site</description> <label>J Tricks</label> <tooltip>J Tricks Web site</tooltip> <link linkId="jtricks-menu"></link> </web-item>
As you can see, the section is
. It can have a link that is pointed to somewhere, in...