Configuring and Monitoring the Memory Management of the JVM
So far, we have looked at the different areas of memory and how it is deallocated, but we have yet to look at optimizing the way a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) does this. The approach that the JVM uses to manage memory can be configured in different ways.
There is not one obvious way to configure the JVM though. The best configuration really depends on the application and the requirements. Getting the best configuration will improve the performance of your application and minimize the memory requirements. Monitoring performance and memory will help discover problems before users do.
In this chapter, we’re going to have a look at how to configure the JVM and monitor memory management. Changing the configurations of the JVM is typically done by tuning, meaning that you have an idea of where to start, then make small adjustments, and carefully measure their impact. Here are the topics that will be discussed: