To move properly, our robot shouldn't be hindered by obstacles. A common solution to detect obstacles is to use an ultrasonic sensor. A sample sensor implementation is HC-SR04. You can get it from SparkFun: You can see it here:
The HC-SR04 sensor has four pins: VCC (Power), Trig (Trigger), Echo (Receive), and GND (Ground), which are easy to connect to Arduino and Raspberry Pi.
Another sensor is the IR distance sensor. A sample sensor implementation is the Sharp GP2Y0A21 IR Distance Sensor,, from DFRobot. Since I'm using the MiniQ Discovery Arduino robot, this sensor can be attached directly to the robot shield. You can see this here:
The GP2Y0A21 sensor has three pins: VCC, GND, and Signal. The Signal pin of GP2Y0A21 can be connected to analog pins from the Arduino...