Groovy for Gradle build scripts
To be proficient with Gradle and write effective build scripts, we need to understand some basics of Groovy, which is a fantastic dynamic language in itself. If we have any experience with dynamic languages such as Ruby or Python, in addition to Java, we will feel right at home with Groovy. If not, still knowing that most of the Java syntax is also the valid Groovy syntax should make us feel happy about Groovy, because we can start writing Groovy code and be productive from day one without having to learn anything.
To an unprepared eye, Gradle scripts may look a little difficult to comprehend at first. Gradle build scripts do not merely use the Groovy syntax, but also use a rich and expressive DSL that provides high-level abstractions to represent common build-related logics. Let's take a quick look at what makes Groovy a great choice for writing build files.
Using Groovy for writing build logics is not new. Gant and GMaven have already used Groovy...