About the Reviewers
Henrique Abreu is a Google Apps Script Top Contributor; he graduated in Control Engineering and works as an IT consultant in Brazil. He is a big fan of Google Apps, especially Spreadsheets and of course, Apps Script.
David Bingham has been developing software and leading product development teams for more than 25 years, with a side trip into academia as a professor of Computer Architecture. He is currently working as an R&D leader for a global provider of Unified Communications and Collaboration software. In his spare time, he enjoys travelling and spending time with his family. His alter ego, Mogsdad, is an active contributor to the Google Apps Script community.
Alejandro Leiva has been using computers with modems of 600 bps connected to pre-Internet networks were used, since the age of 12. He has been working in the areas of software development, technical leadership, project management, and building an executive profile where he temporarily needed to switch his development framework for a spreadsheet and choose Google Apps Scripts as his new language. He has excellent skills in technical team building, agile environments, open source software development and accessibility. His Twitter handle is @gloob
Rohit Mukherjee is currently studying Computer Engineering at the National University of Singapore (NUS) on a full scholarship offered by Singapore Airlines (SIA-NOL). He is passionate about Software Engineering, Linux, Dev Ops, Agile Methodologies, and Technology Startups. He is interested in the fields of financial and healthcare technologies. He is currently studying graduate courses in computer science as an exchange student at ETH Zurich. For more information, visit his web page rohitmukherjee.github.io.
Rohit works as an independent software developer and has pursued an industrial interest with The Bank of America Merrill Lynch (Singapore). He has also interned with Ernst & Young, India and Klinify, Singapore in the past. He is a contributor to open source software as well.
Ajith Ranabahu is an experienced software engineer and an avid open source enthusiast. He holds a PhD in Computer Science and is a member of the Apache Software Foundation. He has contributed heavily to the Apache Axis2 project and a number of other small projects over the years.