Common challenges when brainstorming
When we think of the most common challenges in brainstorming, we can find the answers within one of Osborn's principles for an effective brainstorming session—deferring judgment. In the previous section, I mentioned the concept of diversity in thought. The fact that you're bringing together a broad spectrum of thought means there will be people who don't see the issue from the same perspective. You want that in the meeting. But it also means making sure that the group doesn't judge the broad spectrum of ideas that are generated.
Participants need to become self-aware of their behaviors that stifle the flow of ideas or put a halt to a person's participation. I remember being on a conference planning committee years ago where the chair would often encourage us to brainstorm ideas to make the event more profitable and better for attendees. Whenever someone brought up a new idea, there was one person in the group who would comment on it. She started her comment...