Exercises and assessments
As was just noted, you will need to create several exercises and assessments for your course. Typically, these are short-answer or multiple-choice quizzes that are sandwiched within the other parts of a learning sequence. However, there are actually four types of exercises you can create for your course:
In-lesson exercises: Designed as short knowledge checks within a learning sequence, in-lesson exercises should focus on one or two small ideas. They should be challenging enough to ensure that a student understands the material, but not so intense that they break the rhythm of the course. In-lesson exercises can be used for instruction, feedback, and assessment.
Homework questions: These should ask more in-depth questions that link several course concepts and require more critical thinking than an in-lesson exercise. Consider developing homework questions as a weekly wrap-up.
Quiz problems: Whereas in-lesson exercises assess knowledge within a learning sequence...