Chapter 1, Introduction and Installation, compares containers with bare metal and virtual machines. It helps you understand Linux kernel features, that enable containerization; finally, we'll take a look at installation recipes.
Chapter 2, Working with Docker Containers, explains the different operations you can perform with containers, such as starting, stopping, listing, and deleting.
Chapter 3, Working with Docker Images, introduces you to Docker Hub and shows you how to share images through Docker Hub and how to host your own Docker registry. It will also show you the different ways to build your own image, along with a few Docker image housekeeping operations.
Chapter 4, Network and Data Management for Containers teaches you how to access the container from the outside world, share external storage within the container, communicate with containers running on other hosts, and more.
Chapter 5, Docker Use Cases, explains most of the Docker use cases, such as using Docker for testing, CI/CD, and setting up a PaaS.
Chapter 6, Docker APIs and Language Bindings, dives deep into the Docker API and shows how to work with Docker using the RESTful API and SDK. The curl command that ships with Ubuntu 18.04 has a bug; so, for this chapter, we are using Ubuntu 16.04 and Docker version 17.03.
Chapter 7, Docker Performance, explains the approach one can follow to compare the performance of containers with bare metal and VMs. It also covers monitoring tools.
Chapter 8, Docker Orchestration and Hosting Platforms, provides an introduction to Docker Compose and Swarm, and then we take a look at using Kubernetes for Docker Orchestration.
Chapter 9, Docker Security, explains general security guidelines, SELinux for mandatory access controls, and other security features such as changing capabilities and sharing namespaces.
Chapter 10, Getting Help and Tips and Tricks, provides tips and tricks and resources to help you in things related to Docker administration and development.
Chapter 11, Docker on Cloud, provides an introduction to Docker for AWS and Azure, along with how to install and deploy an application.