- How can we uniquely identify an image?
a) All images with their tags are unique
b) The image ID is what really makes an image unique; we can have an image ID with many names and tags, but they will all reference the same layers and meta-information
c) Only base images on the root registry namespace are unique because all other images are based on these
d) All the preceding answers are correct
- Which methods can be used to create container images?
a) We can build images from containers, committing their read-write layers on top of read-only ones
b) We can use a Dockerfile, starting with a base image
c) We can start from an empty one, known as scratch
d) All of the above.
- Which image creation methods are reproducible?
a) Committing containers to images is reproducible because we know which steps we followed
b) Using Dockerfiles, we will ensure that the requisite steps are written and that the creation process is reproducible
c) There is no reproducible method for creating...