The Power of Three Iterations in Enablement
It always seems to be three. When we do something new and then repeat it and then repeat it again, it's the third iteration where things start to click. Sometimes it takes longer and more iterations (especially where complexity is high), but three is the minimum number of iterations that any team should consider to go through an immersive, learn-by-doing, enablement experience. This is why our Open Innovation Labs residencies are always between 4 and 12 weeks in duration. A four-week residency means the team can take a few days to build their foundation, a few days to go round the Discovery Loop and Options Pivot, and then do three one-week Delivery Loop iterations using Scrum. Each iteration of the Delivery Loop will deliver an increment of working software that is potentially shippable to production. These iterations are kick-starting the continuous incremental delivery of the application product.
Now, this may not be enough to...