Increasing our players' ability
Assuming that we have put all the triggers we reasonably can into place, without turning off our players, we can focus on player ability. Remember this is a function of how simple it is to undertake a desired behavior from the player's perspective.
One immediate step we can take in that direction is to do as much automatically for the user as possible. Activities such as logging in to the application and receiving e-mail triggers should come by default. Of course, the user can turn these defaults off if they choose. We want to accomplish all behaviors in no more than two clicks of a mouse, and with one click wherever possible. We can, in our testing phase, identify tasks taking longer than two minutes and attempt to reduce the time it takes to perform them.
There are probably things we can do to lessen the amount of brain cycles (brain energy) to undertake our target behaviors. The first thing that comes to mind is making it very easy to identify opposing and...