- ArduPilot
- URL, for documentation / Engage Thrusters
- about / Engage Thrusters
- basic programming constructs, BeagleBone Black / Basic programming constructs on the BeagleBone Black, Engage thrusters
- BeagleBone Black
- overview / Mission briefing
- hotshot objectives / Your objectives
- checklist / Mission checklist
- board, inspecting / Prepare for lift off
- DC power, selecting for board / Engage thrusters
- board, powering / Engage thrusters
- board, plugging / Objective complete – mini debriefing
- LEDs, blinking / Objective complete – mini debriefing
- keyboard, hooking up / Hooking up a keyboard, mouse, and display, Prepare for lift off, Engage thrusters, Objective complete – mini debriefing, Classified intel
- mouse, hooking up / Hooking up a keyboard, mouse, and display, Prepare for lift off, Engage thrusters, Objective complete – mini debriefing, Classified intel
- display, hooking up / Hooking up a keyboard, mouse, and display, Prepare for lift off, Engage thrusters, Objective complete – mini debriefing, Classified intel
- operating system, modifying / Prepare for lift off, Engage thrusters, Objective complete – mini debriefing, Classified intel
- graphical user interface, adding / Adding a graphical user interface, Prepare for lift off, Engage thrusters, Objective complete – mini debriefing
- board, accessing remotely / Accessing the board remotely, Engage thrusters, Objective complete – mini debriefing
- files, creating / Creating, editing, and saving files on the BeagleBone Black, Engage thrusters
- files, editing / Creating, editing, and saving files on the BeagleBone Black, Engage thrusters
- files, saving / Creating, editing, and saving files on the BeagleBone Black, Engage thrusters
- used, for creating Python programs / Prepare for lift off, Engage thrusters, Objective complete – mini debriefing
- Python programs, running on / Prepare for lift off, Engage thrusters, Objective complete – mini debriefing
- basic programming constructs / Basic programming constructs on the BeagleBone Black, Engage thrusters
- USB camera, connecting to / Prepare for lift off, Engage thrusters, Classified intel
- mobile platform, adding / Mission briefing
- used, for controlling mobile platform programmatically / Controlling your mobile platform programmatically using the BeagleBone Black, Prepare for lift off
- connecting, to mobile platform / Connecting the BeagleBone Black to the mobile platform using a servo controller, Prepare for lift off, Engage thrusters, Objective complete – mini debriefing
- connecting, to USB sonar sensor / Connecting the BeagleBone Black to a USB sonar sensor, Prepare for lift off, Engage thrusters, Objective complete – mini debriefing
- connecting, to wireless USB keyboard / Prepare for lift off, Engage thrusters
- connecting, to GPS device / Connecting the BeagleBone Black to a GPS device, Prepare for lift off, Engage thrusters, Objective complete – mini debriefing
- used, for sailing robots / Using the BeagleBone Black in sailing robots, Prepare for lift off, Engage thrusters, Objective complete – mini debriefing
- used, for flying robots / Using the BeagleBone Black in flying robots, Prepare for lift off, Engage Thrusters, Classified intel
- using, for submarine robots / Using the BeagleBone Black in submarine robots, Prepare for lift off, Objective complete – mini debriefing
- BeagleBone Black programming
- overview / Mission briefing
- features / Why is it awesome?
- objectives / Your objectives
- checklist / Mission checklist
- board
- accessing, remotely / Accessing the board remotely, Engage thrusters, Objective complete – mini debriefing
- C++
- overview / Introduction to the C++ programming language, Engage thrusters, Objective complete – mini debriefing
- cat filename command / Engage thrusters
- clear command / Engage thrusters
- colored objects
- detecting, OpenCV library used / Prepare for lift off, Engage thrusters, Classified intel
- commands
- interpreting, PocketSphinx used / Engage thrusters, Classified intel
- cp filename1 filename2 command / Engage thrusters
- Creative Labs / Mission checklist
- Dagu Rover 5 Tracked Chassis / Mission checklist
- DC motors / Prepare for lift off
- discus
- about / Mission checklist
- installing / Mission checklist
- emacs
- about / Creating, editing, and saving files on the BeagleBone Black
- Espeak
- about / Engage thrusters
- used, for project response in robot voice / Engage thrusters
- files
- editing / Creating, editing, and saving files on the BeagleBone Black, Engage thrusters
- creating / Creating, editing, and saving files on the BeagleBone Black, Engage thrusters
- saving / Creating, editing, and saving files on the BeagleBone Black, Engage thrusters
- filesystem
- navigating / Prepare for lift off, Engage thrusters, Objective complete – mini debriefing
- four AA battery holder
- about / Mission checklist
- general control structure
- creating, for capabilities communication / Creating a general control structure so capabilities can communicate , Prepare for lift off, Engage thrusters, Objective complete – mini debriefing, Classified intel
- GND connector / Engage thrusters
- GPIO pins / Prepare for lift off
- about / Prepare for lift off
- GPS device
- BeagleBone Black, connecting to / Connecting the BeagleBone Black to a GPS device, Prepare for lift off, Engage thrusters, Objective complete – mini debriefing
- accessing, programmatically / Accessing the GPS programmatically and determining how to move to a location, Engage thrusters, Classified intel, Mission accomplished
- GPS Receiver, for locating robot
- overview / Mission briefing
- features / Why is it awesome?
- hotshot objectives / Your objectives
- checklist / Mission checklist
- guvcview / Prepare for lift off
- ifconfig command
- about / Engage thrusters
- images
- viewing / Prepare for lift off, Engage thrusters, Classified intel
- keyboard
- used, for controlling project / Prepare for lift off, Engage thrusters, Classified intel
- legged platform
- overview / Mission briefing
- features / Why is it awesome?
- hotshot objectives / Your objectives
- checklist / Mission checklist
- legged robot
- about / Mission checklist
- Linux commands
- ll / Engage thrusters
- ls / Engage thrusters
- rm filename / Engage thrusters
- mv filename1 filename2 / Engage thrusters
- cp filename1 filename2 / Engage thrusters
- mkdir directoryname / Engage thrusters
- cat filename / Engage thrusters
- clear / Engage thrusters
- sudo / Engage thrusters
- Linux program
- creating, for controlling mobile platform / Creating a program in Linux to control the mobile platform, Engage thrusters, Objective complete – mini debriefing, Classified intel
- ll command
- about / Engage thrusters
- Logitech / Mission checklist
- ls command / Engage thrusters
- Magician Chassis / Mission checklist
- male-male jumper wires / Mission checklist
- mkdir directoryname command / Engage thrusters
- mobile platform
- adding, to BeagleBone Black / Mission briefing
- hotshot objectives / Your objectives
- checklist / Mission checklist
- motor controller, connecting to / Engage thrusters
- controlling programmatically, BeagleBone Black used / Controlling your mobile platform programmatically using the BeagleBone Black, Prepare for lift off
- programming, with Python / Engage thrusters, Objective complete – mini debriefing
- voice command, issuing / Prepare for lift off, Engage thrusters
- BeagleBone Black, connecting to / Connecting the BeagleBone Black to the mobile platform using a servo controller, Prepare for lift off, Engage thrusters, Objective complete – mini debriefing
- Linux program, creating for / Creating a program in Linux to control the mobile platform, Engage thrusters, Objective complete – mini debriefing, Classified intel
- mobile platform speed
- controlling, motor controller used / Using a motor controller to control the speed of your platform, Prepare for lift off
- motor controller
- used, for controlling mobile platform speed / Using a motor controller to control the speed of your platform, Prepare for lift off
- connecting, to mobile platform / Engage thrusters
- about / Mission checklist
- mv filename1 filename2 command / Engage thrusters
- Ångström
- about / Prepare for lift off
- OpenCV
- downloading / Prepare for lift off, Engage thrusters
- installing / Prepare for lift off, Engage thrusters
- OpenCV library
- used, for detecting colored objects / Prepare for lift off, Engage thrusters, Classified intel
- OUTA connector / Engage thrusters
- OUTB connector / Engage thrusters
- PocketSphinx
- about / Prepare for lift off
- used, for interpreting commands / Engage thrusters, Classified intel
- Pololu
- URL / Mission checklist
- Pololu #1372 Simple Motor Controller 18V7 / Mission checklist
- Python
- mobile platform, programming with / Engage thrusters, Objective complete – mini debriefing
- Python programs
- running, on BeagleBone Black / Prepare for lift off, Engage thrusters, Objective complete – mini debriefing
- creating, BeagleBone Black used / Prepare for lift off, Engage thrusters, Objective complete – mini debriefing
- quadcopter project
- about / Using the BeagleBone Black in flying robots
- quadcopters
- about / Using the BeagleBone Black in flying robots
- Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) robot / Using the BeagleBone Black in submarine robots
- rm filename command / Engage thrusters
- robot
- responding, to commands / Providing the capability to interpret your commands and have your robot initiate an action, Engage thrusters, Objective complete – mini debriefing
- robots
- sailing, BeagleBone Black used / Using the BeagleBone Black in sailing robots, Prepare for lift off, Engage thrusters, Objective complete – mini debriefing
- flying, BeagleBone Black used / Using the BeagleBone Black in flying robots, Prepare for lift off, Engage Thrusters, Classified intel
- about / A challenge
- installing / A challenge
- ./SmcCmd --resume command / Engage thrusters
- Secure Shell Hypterminal connection
- about / Engage thrusters
- sensor
- moving, servo used / Using a servo to move a single sensor, Prepare for lift off, Engage thrusters, Objective complete – mini debriefing, Classified intel
- sensors
- overview / Mission briefing
- checklist / Mission checklist
- servo
- used, for moving single sensor / Using a servo to move a single sensor, Prepare for lift off, Engage thrusters, Objective complete – mini debriefing, Classified intel
- servo controller
- used, for connecting BeagleBone Black to mobile platform / Connecting the BeagleBone Black to the mobile platform using a servo controller, Prepare for lift off, Engage thrusters, Objective complete – mini debriefing
- servo motors
- about / Mission checklist
- setSpeed command / Objective complete – mini debriefing
- six degrees of freedom (DOF)
- about / Mission checklist
- speech functionality
- overview / Mission briefing
- features / Why is it awesome?
- hotshot objectives / Your objectives
- checklist / Mission checklist
- HW, hooking up / Hooking up the HW to make and input sound, Prepare for lift off, Engage thrusters, Classified intel
- Espeak used, for project response in robot voice / Engage thrusters
- PocketSphinx used, for interpreting commands / Engage thrusters, Classified intel
- robot, responding to commands / Providing the capability to interpret your commands and have your robot initiate an action, Engage thrusters, Objective complete – mini debriefing
- about / Engage thrusters
- submarine robots
- BeagleBone Black, using for / Using the BeagleBone Black in submarine robots, Prepare for lift off, Objective complete – mini debriefing
- sudo command / Engage thrusters
- system dynamics
- about / Mission briefing
- Tightvncserver
- about / Engage thrusters
- tracked platform / Mission checklist
- Ubuntu
- about / Prepare for lift off, Basic Linux commands and navigating the filesystem
- USB-ProxSonar-EZ / Mission checklist
- USB camera
- connecting, to BeagleBone Black / Prepare for lift off, Engage thrusters, Classified intel
- USB sonar sensor
- about / Your objectives
- BeagleBone Black, connecting to / Connecting the BeagleBone Black to a USB sonar sensor, Prepare for lift off, Engage thrusters, Objective complete – mini debriefing
- VIN connector / Engage thrusters
- VirtualBox
- about / Classified intel
- vision functionality
- overview / Mission briefing
- features / Why is it awesome?
- hotshot objectives / Your objectives
- checklist / Mission checklist
- images, viewing / Prepare for lift off, Engage thrusters, Classified intel
- voice command
- issuing, for mobile platform / Prepare for lift off, Engage thrusters
- voice commands
- issuing, for making mobile platform truly mobile / Engage thrusters
- voice recognition program
- modifying / Engage thrusters
- WinSCP
- about / Engage thrusters
- wireless communication, with robot
- overview / Mission briefing
- features / Why is it awesome?
- hotshot objectives / Your objectives
- checklist / Mission checklist
- wireless USB keyboard
- BeagleBone Black, connecting to / Prepare for lift off, Engage thrusters
- XBee
- about / Engage thrusters