Scaling resources
Scaling refers to the process of increasing or decreasing the compute, storage, or network resources to improve the performance of jobs or reduce expenses. There are two types of scaling: Manual and Automatic. As might be obvious, with manual scaling, we decide on the size beforehand. With automatic scaling, the service dynamically decides on the size of the resources based on various factors, such as the load on the cluster, the cost of running the cluster, time constraints, and more.
Let's explore the scaling options available in Azure Batch and then quickly glance at the options available in Spark and SQL too.
Azure Batch
Azure Batch provides one of the most flexible autoscale options. It lets you specify your own autoscale formula. Azure Batch will then use your formula to decide how many resources to scale up or down to.
A scaling formula can be written based on the following:
- Time metrics: Using application stats collected at 5-minute...