Recommended practices when working in a team environment or when performing team programming
WID provides the capability for a team of developers to develop applications in a team environment and share resources with a central repository.
Using the plugins provided by WID, you can connect to software configuration management repositories like CVS, Rational ClearCase, or other repositories. While the Business Integration perspective and view provides a logical view of the resources within a module, mediation module, and library, the physical files and artifacts themselves can be stored in a repository such as CVS or ClearCase. Some of the recommended practices to adopt when working in a team environment include:
Before starting work on any module, synchronize with the repository.
When you have completed the implementation of a particular component and are ready to check in the module (or library), synchronize with the repository first and accept all incoming changes. Make sure that there are no conflicts. Update and commit changes. Give verbose comments to what were the changes/additions/fixes addressed and so on.
If you want to tag versions to a module or library, you can use the following versioning scheme: version.release.modification (such as, 1.0.0).
If you check out any tagged version, you will have to switch back to the HEAD trunk to conduct normal business with WID.
Avoid concurrent development and merge scenarios
Work in the Business Integration view where possible.
After moving to a new workspace, be cautious of adding new files to source control.
Derived flag can be lost after importing the files into a new workspace (
Performing team programming with CVS
Refer to the following link: