67.4 The Anatomy of a Service
A service must, as has already been mentioned, be created as a subclass of the Android Service class (more specifically android.app.Service) or a sub-class thereof (such as android.app.IntentService). As part of the subclassing procedure, one or more of the following superclass callback methods must be overridden, depending on the exact nature of the service being created:
•onStartCommand() – This is the method that is called when the service is started by another component via a call to the startService() method. This method does not need to be implemented for bound services.
•onBind() – Called when a component binds to the service via a call to the bindService() method. When implementing a bound service, this method must return an IBinder object facilitating communication with the client. In the case of started services, this method must be implemented to return a NULL value.
•onCreate() – Intended...