59.5 Changing the Content Model
The content for the example as it currently stands is defined by the DummyContent class file. Begin, therefore, by selecting the DummyContent.kt file (located in the Project tool window in the app -> java -> com.ebookfrenzy.masterdetailflow -> dummy folder) and reviewing the code. At the bottom of the file is a declaration for a class named DummyItem which is currently able to store two String objects representing a content string and an ID. The updated project, on the other hand, will need each item object to contain an ID string, a string for the web site name, and a string for the corresponding URL of the web site. To add these features, modify the DummyItem class so that it reads as follows:
data class DummyItem(val id: String, val website_name: String,
val website_url: String) {
override fun toString(): String = website_name