Personal Access Token (PAT) impersonation
One of the use cases for the REST API is to query available content (e.g. projects, workbooks, data sources) for certain users. For embedding scenarios specifically, we often want to load up end-user-specific content within the application. The way to do this today is via impersonation, by which a server admin can impersonate a user, query as that user, and retrieve content that user has access to based on permissions within Tableau.
Today, server admins can already impersonate users by sending over the user’s unique userID as part of the sign-in request, however, in order to do this, they need to hardcode their username and password in any scripts requiring impersonation.
Over a year ago, we released Personal Access Tokens (PATs), which are long-lived authentication tokens that allow users to run automation with the Tableau REST API without hard-coding credentials or requiring an interactive login. In the 2021.1 release, we are going to introduce user impersonation support for PATs, the last piece of functionality previously supported only by hard-coded credentials in REST API scripts. So, why not update all your scripts to use PATs today?