Using troubleshooting packs
Microsoft includes several in-built troubleshooting packs with Windows Server 2012. These troubleshooting packs perform many of the troubleshooting steps necessary for common errors. Additionally, they provide suggestions and steps for the resolution of common errors.
Depending on the system and applications, the troubleshooting packs available will vary. A basic Windows Server 2012 system only includes two packs: Networking
and PCW
(Program Compatibility Wizard). In this recipe, we will be using the Networking pack to test connectivity and Internet access.
Getting ready
For this recipe we will be using a basic Windows Server 2012 system.
How to do it
Complete the following steps to execute the troubleshooting pack:
List the available packs.
Get-ChildItem C:\Windows\diagnostics\system
Start the troubleshooting pack.
Invoke-TroubleshootingPack ` (Get-TroubleshootingPack C:\Windows\diagnostics\system\networking)
Answer the prompts as necessary.
Create an answer file for...