Creating a greenscreen effect on the Edit page using the HSL Keyer
The HSL Keyer has different options from the 3D Keyer as you can choose to select the key based on the hue, saturation, or luminance (HSL) of pixels in the image. This allows you to have more control over trickier keys as you can select any combination of hue, saturation, or luminance to get a successful key.
For example, there may be a background that is not a uniform green that also matches the green the subject may be wearing. However, if the background is less saturated and bright than the subject, you can still separate the background by only selecting the saturation and luminance of the green background and not the hue.
However, unlike the 3D Keyer, the HSL Keyer does not have a Despill option, so it is best to only use it if you cannot get a successful key using the 3D Keyer.
Let us create a new Timeline to try the HSL Keyer on different footage. To get our greenscreen footage and create a new Timeline...