Time for action – Experiments with function overriding
Let's get to our experiment with function overriding by changing the way the player's camera works. If you've ever played any overhead view games like Gauntlet you'll know what we're going to do. In games like that, the camera stays in a fixed position high above the player's head, looking down towards the player. To do that, we're going to override the GetPlayerViewPoint
We know from our look at vectors in the previous chapter that we can get the location of actors in the world. If we wanted to move our camera away from the player, we'll need the player's location and an offset that we can use to make sure the camera stays in the same location relative to the player, like in the following diagram:
We could just directly add the values in the function, but to keep things organized it's usually a good idea to keep variables like that in the default properties where they can easily be found and changed if desired. We may also want...