Chapter 1: Setting Up and Structuring Our Project
For some time, Unity has been issuing exams that cover a range of different skills for people who are either graduates, self-taught, or are classed as veterans in their field.
If we check the prerequisites on Unity's website (, they tell us that this exam isn't for absolute beginners and you need at least 2 years of experience working with Unity and computer programming, including C#. This book will take you through the process of becoming as familiar as possible with Unity and its services, to the point where it might feel like a beginners' course; however, I expect you to know the fundamentals of C# programming, such as what an if
statement is, what a function does, and what a class represents. If you don't, I would recommend reading Harrison Ferrone's Learning C# by Developing Games with Unity 2020 book first (https://www.packtpub...