The misunderstood daily scrum meeting
Just as release plans are revisited throughout a release, sprint plans are revisited and adjusted throughout the sprint during the daily scrum meeting. This meeting, which should be 15 minutes (or less) every day, in the same place, at the same time, is commonly thought of as just a set of three questions that team members answer, going in turn around the circle: what did I do since yesterday's meeting, what will I do by tomorrow's meeting, and what obstacles are in my way?
Daily scrum meetings are meant to be so much more than this. The intent was to help a team synchronize its work tasks so that product backlog items would flow through the sprint as quickly as possible, and to provide visibility into the team's work for anyone who was interested. I'll admit, I've grown tired of these three questions. Maybe it's because I've been doing Scrum for so long, and it's repetitive. Or maybe it's because I've seen too many robotic Scrum team members answering...