Deprovisioning and disenrolling devices
When a device has reached the end of its lifetime, we need to deprovision it. Deprovisioning is a two-step process:
- First, it needs to be disenrolled from DPS; then, you need to deregister the device in IoT Hub.
- Next, the device needs to be deleted or disabled:
- For individual enrollments, delete or disable the device on the device provisioning service. If the device uses an X.509 certificate and an enrollment group exists for a signing certificate in that device’s certificate chain, the device can be re-enrolled. Next, delete or disable the device in the identity in IoT Hub.
- If the device was provisioned through an enrollment group, disable the device in DPS. Disabling the device revokes access but allows other devices in the group access. Do not delete the device. Deleting the device from a group will allow the device to re-enroll with the group. Once the device has been disabled, you can use the list of provisioned devices...