Why bother with Gherkin, then?
The example we used in this chapter is very simple, but you might be tempted to think that we can just skip the features written in the Gherkin language. Well, I did that too. I thought: it’s not that useful. But when I started working on bigger projects, with bigger teams, with different companies working collaboratively on the same project and goal, I thought to myself: I wish there were a common format that we could share so that we all understand what the business is trying to achieve. I was working collaboratively with a third-party company, and I wanted to ask them whether I could borrow or get a copy of their test cases, but the thing is, they wrote down their test cases directly into their application, which is not written in PHP. I then realized how important it is to have some sort of a common language that we can use to understand the intended behavior of a system that is programming-language agnostic!
The following diagram represents...