This book has a very clear aim: to introduce you to the incredible simplicity and power of Spring MVC. I still remember first learning about the Spring framework back in 2009. The best way to test whether or not you really understand a concept is to try to teach it to someone else. In my case, I have taught Spring MVC to MVC; are you confused? I mean that back in 2009, I taught it to my wife Manju Viswambaran Chandrika (MVC). During that course, I was able to understand the kind of doubts that arise in a beginner's mind. I have gathered all my teaching knowledge and put it in this book in an elegant way so that it can be understood without confusion.
This book follows a theme of developing a simple e-commerce site step-by-step. In every successive chapter, you will learn a new concept of Spring MVC. Obviously, the aim is to teach you how you can use Spring MVC effectively. Developing a full-blown, production-ready e-commerce site is not the purpose of this book.