Queue types
There are two types of Queues available in the Azure stack:
Azure Queue Storage
Azure Service Bus Queues
Both are implementations of the message queuing architecture. While designing a solution requiring a message queuing technology, you will need to consider the features of both types of queuing mechanisms to decide the best fit.
The key differences between the two are:
Azure Queue Storage is lightweight and offers high performance messaging, which is based on the Azure Storage infrastructure
Azure Queue Storage provides a simple GET/PUT/Peek RESTful interface
Service Bus queues are guaranteed First-in First-out (FIFO)
Service Bus queues have full integration with the WCF stack, as well as RESTful and AMQP support
Scenarios in which duplicate message detection, automatic dead-lettering capabilities, and durable publish/subscribe mechanisms are required, Azure Service Bus should be considered as an option.
More information on the differences can be found at http://msdn.microsoft.com...