Amazon EKS node groups
Let’s first start with understanding the different nomenclatures between the Kubernetes project and Amazon EKS. In the Kubernetes world, a cluster consists of worker Nodes, which are responsible for running containerized applications in the form of a Pod.
In Amazon EKS, worker nodes are called Amazon EC2 nodes, and one or more Amazon EC2 nodes that are deployed into the same Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group are called a node group.
Amazon EKS offers three node group options:
- Managed node groups automate the provisioning and life cycle management of Amazon EC2 nodes. One of the benefits of managed mode groups is that you don’t need to care about draining nodes during node replacement, as it is handled by the AWS data plane. When this book was written, managed node groups weren’t supported for the Windows OS; however, remember that an Amazon EKS cluster with a Windows node group is a heterogenous cluster since at least one Linux...