In this chapter, we focused on the fundamentals of cloud computing. We have learned how to create AWS Instances and how to connect PostgreSQL database, which is hosted on AWS, by using R. Finally, we focused on creating cronjobs on R. Now you are able to create end-to-end web scraping system by using R.
In this book, we covered main topics regarding web scraping with R. We talked about the main idea behind web scraping, learned how Regex rules work, and learned how to use XPath rules and how to write them. We have created our first web-scraping script using the rvest library and even created a graph, using collected data.
Finally, we discussed about Selenium. Using the RSelenium library, we created a web scrapper on top of R. Then, we took a look at how to store the data we collected and how to schedule our web-scraping tools on R.
So, now you are ready to build your...