Test your knowledge
To test your knowledge of what we just learned, download the "Peak Hour Overview" files from MISO, combine them, and explore some of the data within. For example, the "forecasted capacity margin" is something that would be good to examine with a line plot. As an additional challenge, try combining this data with historical regional forecast and actual load data to see how the peak hour energy usage compares with forecasts from the peak hour overview data. The data has already been collected up to 2-7-2021 and is available in the GitHub repository, so be sure to either use that as your start date, or check if the files already exist before downloading them.
For the second challenge, collect the links under the list in the "Libraries" section of the Wikipedia Python page (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Python_(programming_language)#Libraries). Perform some basic text analysis (for example, n-gram analysis) on the text from these pages...